What Good Communication at Work Looks Like

Communicating effectively in the workplace is vital. Everyone plays a role in effective communication, whether you are an owner, a manager or a team member. Exchanging your knowledge, thoughts, ideas, and opinions so that your intended message is received and understood clearly is integral to any organization’s success.

Written and verbal communication are each equally important, as today’s business is done in person and online. Let’s address what good communication looks like in the workplace.

Goals and expectations are clearly communicated.

Effective communication in the workplace begins when leaders provide clear, achievable goals to their team members. Managers must be able to clearly outline what is needed on any given task, job assignment or project.

When managers and team members engage in effective communication, everyone on the team knows the objectives and end goal of every project and the business as a whole.

Use the right communication platforms.

Choosing which platform to utilize each time you communicate with others on the team matters. Effective communication in the workplace requires you to take a little more time before delivering your message. Consider if you need to meet in person or if a video call or email would work just as well. This means thinking about your needs and the other person’s needs. In an environment that prioritizes communication, team members know they can ask if they’re unsure. Everyone will be on the same page.

Employee communication tools are available that make communication more effective, whether the team comprises remote or on-site employees or both. Utilizing a digital workplace solution makes accessing and exchanging material within a company more straightforward. These apps make it simpler for employees to collaborate; they are another tool that lends itself to increased employee engagement and productivity.

Active listening is the standard.

Active listening is a hallmark of successful communication. It promotes a feeling of being valued and creates trust between team members, strengthening working relationships.

An essential workplace skill in an environment that has team members communicating effectively will find active listeners. This means team members listen and reflect on what has been said to them. Active listeners ask questions and respond by paraphrasing and summarising what they heard.

Conflict is minimal.

Poor communication ultimately leads to conflict and can create hostile work environments. Members of a team don’t need to be the best of friends. But in an environment that fosters open and transparent communication, people can do their jobs well, and conflict is kept at a minimum.

Miscommunication is almost always at the core of any dispute or tension that does arise within a team. A workplace that has built clear communication standards will help prevent misunderstandings between all team members.

Employees are engaged.

Communicating is more than just talking to your team and clients. It’s really about how we connect with people. In a workplace where effective communication is prioritized, employees tend to be more engaged and, therefore, more productive than in a place lacking a communication standard. People want to feel like they are listened to and understood.

When team members have better relationships with their coworkers and management, this fosters a more positive work environment. A workplace that communicates effectively allows team members to be creative and express their ideas. It supports the idea that your team members are valued contributors and that their input makes a difference.

Employees are productive.

Employees who feel connected to their work and clearly understand expectations are more likely to be productive and perform efficiently. When employees don’t understand their role or expectations in a position, they often feel confused or incapable of performing their job to the best of their ability.

Ensuring information is readily available and communicated effectively allows employees to perform their duties accurately and can increase productivity throughout the organization.

Everyone has a voice.

A big part of employee satisfaction is whether they feel they are being listened to. By maintaining well-established lines of communication, everyone will feel like they have a valued and respected voice, no matter their role in an organization.


Client relationships are improved.

Effective communication in the workplace isn’t just crucial to the team members. How well they communicate directly affects client relationships. Organizations that share information well with their customers or clients will inevitably build more solid relationships with their clients than companies that don’t prioritize effective communication.

Good communication is at the root of every successful relationship, including relationships between employer and employee. Employees are easy to manage in a workplace that prioritizes utilizes and effective communication techniques, and strong team building occurs. These organizations have a high employee retention rate. Managers and leaders benefit from enhanced creativity and innovation when team members perform to their full potential.