What to Say to an Executive Recruiter on LinkedIn

Linkedin: a powerful tool for job seekers and an effective way to connect with recruiters. The social media platform allows for extensive networking and vigorous job searching. LinkedIn users can create a personal profile that showcases their professional experience, skills, and education while connecting with other users, joining professional groups, and following companies and industry leaders. As well the platform LinkedIn provides an array of job-seeking tools like job search, resume building and applying for jobs directly via the platform.

However, knowing what to say to a recruiter on LinkedIn is important to make the most of the opportunity. By following these tips, you’ll be able to communicate effectively with recruiters on LinkedIn and increase your chances of landing your dream job. Don’t we all want that? Remember that LinkedIn is a professional platform, so always keep that in mind and be respectful in your interactions with recruiters.

Here are some tips for how to communicate effectively with executive recruiters on LinkedIn:

1. Be professional

Just like in any other professional setting, it is important to be professional when communicating with recruiters on LinkedIn. To do this, use a professional profile picture and keep your profile up-to-date by ensuring your profile reflects your current professional experience, skills and achievements— include a professional headshot, a clear summary of your experience and skills, and a detailed work history. Not only should your profile remain professional, but you also want to ensure your tone is professional.

Avoid slang or casual language, and always use proper grammar and punctuation. As well this may be a given, but it is important to note that it is important to keep your personal life separate from your professional online presence— avoid posting personal information or photos on LinkedIn, and avoid discussing personal or sensitive topics with others on the platform. After all, we all want to avoid a scandal!

2. Show interest in the executive job.

When you reach out to a recruiter, express your interest in the company or role they are recruiting for. How else will they know you want to be connected with them? One of the most basic ways to show interest on LinkedIn is to send a connection request to another user. You can also show interest in another user by endorsing their skills. This is a way to publicly acknowledge the skills and expertise of another user. You can also write a recommendation for another user, which is a way to publicly vouch for their skills and experience.

If these are too forward, try engaging with other users’ posts by liking, commenting and sharing— this is a more subtle way of showing interest if you are new to the networking scene. If you feel bold, you can send a direct message to another user on LinkedIn to start a conversation or ask them a question. This is an amazing way to start building a relationship with someone you are interested in connecting with!

3. Highlight your qualifications

Recruiters are looking for candidates that match the qualifications they’re looking for, so you want to make sure to highlight your qualifications in your message and your profile. This can include education, work experience, and relevant skills. You also want to ensure that you are being concise with your qualifications.

Recruiters are busy and often receive a high volume of messages. Keep your message short and to the point. Highlight your most important qualifications, such as executive coaching skills. Also, express your interest in the opportunity!

4. Personalize your message

Instead of sending a generic message, take the time to personalize your message to the specific recruiter. Mention something from their profile or the company’s profile that caught your attention. This shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in the opportunity. Before sending a message, you’ll want to research the recipient: their LinkedIn profile, work experience, and interests.

This will help you tailor your message to their specific needs and interests. Once you have done that, use a personalized subject line that grabs the recipient’s attention. Avoid generic subject lines like “Networking” or “Introduction.” Instead, use something specific to the recipient or the purpose of your message.

Most importantly, you want to show your value! Explain how you can be of value to the recipient. Explain what you can do for them and how you can help them achieve their goals.

5. Be respectful and patient

Remember that the recruiting process can take some time, and being respectful and patient with recruiters is important. They are doing their best to find the right candidate, and sometimes it might take longer than expected. No matter their response, you should always communicate with respect and professionalism, as you never know how far a network extends.